Italy=Fun, Excitement, and crazy ADVENTURES

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Who said you cant make new friends everywhere?

Yesterday I went to the park to draw. It is a little park in a part of Rome close to my campus called Testacio. The area is pretty much working class, consisting of stores, an open air market, and this little park for mothers to bring their children and old people to sit on benches and think about life. I was hoping to spy on some old people and mommies and their children, and maybe get a picture or two out of the situation. But, I got much more than that, I got a pretty cool experience. I was sitting there observing the Italian lifestyle within a park filled with purple blooming trees. I was approached by a young man, who was possible in his late 20s, and he asked me if he could see my drawings. Now, one would think this was slightly creepy/ odd, but he came from across the bench across of mine, and left an elderly man and a young girl. He took my drawing pad and started flipping through my pictures. 
The man began talking to be about guitars, which was slightly odd and random, until I remembered I had drawings of guitars in my sketch book. His English was poor, and my italian was worse, but somehow we got by. Suddenly he said "I go get my guitar". And I was like "ummm....ok"... He told me to stay there and he lived near, and he wanted to hear me play guitar. So, I figured, what the heck? I will sit here and continue to draw. 
The man came back with his guitar and we played a bit, and he played blues for me and he was really good. And then the old man joined us and started telling me about his life, and how he lived in America for one year. He said that the newspaper is a gift and I should take advantage of it, and it will help me learn italian. He was a very cute old man. And the young man started teaching guitar to the girl. And they were so friendly and nice, even though I did meet them in a park! 


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