Italy=Fun, Excitement, and crazy ADVENTURES

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back In Italy so much to tell!

I am back in Rome! I literally had such an amazing time on Spring break. It is hard to believe that I traveled to so many places and had so many amazing memories. I dont really remember what I wrote about so far, I think I left off in Berlin. So, I will basically some up the rest of my trip, which will be slightly hard, considering that I am writing on this little online journal. I am also in the process of posting some of my pictures, and it definitely wont be all of them, so when I get home, you will have to ask me to see the rest of them.

So, I traveled from Berlin to Prague... I loved Prague, I am pretty sure it was one of my favorite places that we went, which is kind of a hard thing to say, because I liked most of the places I traveled. I was so excited because I got to see my friend Ahuva in Prague, she is studying abroad there. It was really nice seeing one of my friends, especially because she and her friend were so welcoming and nice. They practically planned out the places Mindy and I should go, and showed us around the city. The first night we were there they took us to this really cool vegetarian food restaurant that was AMAZING! They also showed us their apartment, which was pretty exciting. The next day we went to the old city center of Prague, which is incredible! Everything is so cute and beautiful. It was also really nice because they were still having these little having a little easter festival. They had all these little booths and sold food and these decorated eggs, I am pretty sure Prague is famous for. Mindy and I went to an art museum, and then we went to all of the old synagogues, which was an amazing experience. I loved all of the old synagogues, they were so unique and gorgeous. Then we went on a little boat ride that toured the city by river, which was really fun, especially because it included beer and some strange cookie thing.  After that we basically explored the city, and went to see the castle on top of the hill. 

The next day we explored the city a little more, and visited with Ahuva and her friend Joel. They were a lot of fun. We also went shopping. We ended up staying the night at their apartment and watching some movie that was in German, that I fell asleep to. 

The next day we traveled to the small town of Czesky Krumlav, a town my mom and dad had visited, and recommended I go to. The town was just as incredible as they described. It is one of the cutest towns I have visited, fully equipped with  a castle guarded by big furry bears. All the buildings and the cobble stone streets were so adorable. The hostel we stayed at was really cute as well, and fit right in with the town. It reminded me of an old wooden cabin with little comfy beds we could cuddle into. The one problem with Czesky and Prague was that they were FREEZING! It continuously snowed leaving the towns wet, but not very snow covered...

There was not as much snow to see  as when  in Salzburg!!!!!!!

The drive to Salzburg was incredibly beautiful! We passes so many cute towns, and went through snowy mountain ranges. Salzburg was covered in snow. But, Salzburg was so amazing, and I know I say that about everything, but it truly was. I loved Salzburg. The architecture was incredible and the old town was so cute. On our first hald a day in Salzburg we went to see the Castle, which was incredible cool, and one of the biggest castles in Europe. We wandered the castle and played in the snow on top. The view from the castle was quite lovely. 

The next day, and please dont laugh when you hear this, because Mindy was embarrassed, I dont know why, but we went on THE SOUND OF MUSIC tour! It was sooooo cool! We went on a big bus painted with the Von Trap family and scenes from the movie. The tour was incredible, despite our extremely corny tour guide. It took us all over Salzburg and out to the lake district and countryside. We saw the most incredible views of the city and Austria. We also stopped in a small town, where the wedding scene was filled and ate apple strudel. I really want to see the Sound of Music movie now.

After our short visit to Salzburg, approximately one night and two half days, we went to Vienna, for only one night. Vienna was really cool as well, but we literally had half a day there. It was so sad that here, our little trip would come to an end, and we would have to fly back to Rome. 

I am so happy I went on this trip. I really want to go back to some of these places, because they were so exciting!!!!!! I had so many great experiences, and I can't wait to tell everyone all about them. I am sorry I can't include all the details, because literally, I cannot type that much! Ok well miss you!


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