Italy=Fun, Excitement, and crazy ADVENTURES

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bonjour from Paris!

Hi from France! I am in Paris for four nights, which is absolutely incredible. At first I was a little skeptical...but today was really exciting. I am traveling with my friends Mindy and Daniela. I am staying in little hotel with Mindy, we are sharing a little bed. But, it is really cute. Today we went to the Lourve, which was fabulous, yet overwhelming. I saw the Mona Lisa, which was very exciting! After that, I went to see the Notre Dame, although we didn't go inside. Then we walked around and went out for dinner. It was really crazy. The food here is soooo amazing, yet quite fatty. Today I had an Omlette, crepe, and for dinner we had fondue. Fondue was interesting. There was basically a shit load of cheese. THe waiter decided I was his girl friend, and escorted me when I got up to go to the bathroom, he didn't come with me of course. It was really odd. Also, when we left the restaurant the host followed us out of the restaurant and hugged us and gave us kisses on the cheek, it was funny yet bizarre at the same time. After dinner we went to the Moulin Rouge to check out the lights. Paris is definitely a unique place. Overall, I would have to say the guys are a lot more aggressive than the ones in Roma. But, it is fun. I am excited for what is to come!

PS congrats justin about Santa Cruz! (sorry for the wrong spelling, i wrote this at 2am)


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